How do I add an iframe?

If you want a tighter feeling of integration than you get by linking to the Web Entry Form, you can use an iframe. An iframe allows you to paste the Web Entry Form directly onto your agency's website. To create an iframe, you can add the following HTML to your website, replacing the address that ends in demo with the address provided to you: <iframe src="" width="730" height="700" frameborder="0"> iframe </iframe> This iframe code is intended for the full width of the Web Entry Form. It is possible to adjust the Web Entry Form to fit in a narrower space; see the next question.

What if I need a narrower iframe?

If an iframe needs to fit in a smaller space, it is possible to make a frame as narrow as 520 pixels by cutting off the left sidebar of the Web Entry Form. To do this, first ask your Applied Systems representative to change your CSS Template setting to the template named "narrow". Then, use this code to create an iframe: <iframe src="" width="520" height="700" frameborder="0"> iframe </iframe> Don't forget to replace the address that ends in demo with the address provided to you by Applied Systems.

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